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Content Series

As 2020 became the year of change, communities began to question systems in place that make people of intersectional identities suffer unique forms of oppression

Being an activist first, I felt a push to use my design skills to highlight, support, and uplift mironity groups however I could.

Working with QTPOC KW on their social media presence; I worked with them to research, animate, and design a content series on POC contribution to the early 70s liberation movement.

It became a weekly series and totally a month worth of work, specifically a lot of effort for 4 posts to be informative, accurate and visually appealing.

I followed an extensive strategy to be as comprehensive as possible

click on the white square to see the original instagram post!



committed heavy research using POC-made content, documentaries, articles and news on various sections of related movements.



With an overload of topics and content, the next step was streamlining the most compelling stories and people that supported the queer community. 



Now with confined content, came the task of finding both type, images and quotations from the past that illustrated the stories of queer and trans-POC struggle.



once I felt content with the designed series, I illustrated and animated a cover to draw attention to the event covered and post.


3 Ballroom Series-09.png
Insta Series 2-06.png
Insta Series 2-07.png

Despite this being a heavy workload every week, I found the work extremely fulfilling. Being time-pressured, I was really forced to strengthen my animation, designing, content creation and research skills; but more importantly, I got to delve into the history and depth of intersectional struggle for these minority groups

More importantly, I learned how the mistreatment of the least privileged, have barely wavered since the beginning of POC liberation, despite them being the progenitors of major liberal movements. This project was a massive wake up call, past misinformation prevalent on social media, to acknowledge the depth of the struggles minority groups face

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