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Promotional Campaign

One of the larger goals WUSA emphasizes was pushing the extent to which students are familiar and engage with our work.

Given that we had student elections coming up, our priority was to ensure that we could improve upon that goal from previous years.

My task was to work with a team in understanding how to boost student engagement and voting within this season of  elections.

beginning with the Federal Election..

Given the significance of this election among our age group (18-22), we found that the issue for students was a lack of information and time, more than actual apathy.

As Elections Canada provided in-person voting booths within university campuses, our main plan of action was to initiate a widespread promotional spree that detailed where and when to vote.

some of the promotional material I worked on for this election included a poster and an infomercial for digital screens, both spread across UWaterloo's main and satellite campuses

one of the biggest insights I gained from this election is fitting information and content smartly, at just the right amount so your audience retains it.

then came the student election

My task was to encourage students to nominate themselves for leadership roles within our student government

I found that most students at Waterloo are at two extremes, being very ingrained in campus culture or being completely isolated from it.

The commonality between both is a persistence in highlighting student issues, whether physically or through mediums like Reddit.

Thus I thought I could target engaged students using the appeal of legacy, to 'Leave Your Mark'. The aim was to promote students to nominate themselves to appeal to their figurative vocal strengths and their interest in solving the issues they personally find.


I had a larger than usual amount of control over my design and strategy, and I learned a lot about trying to adapt well-researched content to an existing brand looking to find fresh yet consistent ways to promote.


What I learned from this is more prominent in my Colorizing Queer History campaign

*while promotional material was made by me, the project was a larger collaboration with Jeremy Prapavessis and Kyera Mapp, WUSA Marketing Coordinators who aided with ideation and design of the entire project.

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